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中网市场发布: 义乌商贸城澎湃文具商行生产销售: "益智王"系列品牌文具
编辑:zixun_1 发布时间:2018-04-10   动态次数: 1968623
资讯导读:中网市场发布: 义乌商贸城澎湃文具商行生产销售: “益智王”系列品牌文具及代理“智牌”、“旗文”、“威狮”产品,专业批发: 订书机、三针一钉、长尾夹、修正液、印泥、胶水、剪刀、卷笔刀、书立及各种办公和学生文具用品。欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!营销部地址: 中国浙江省义乌市国际商贸城三区西51号门二楼4街23880-5街23890号,电话: 86-0579-85163888,手机: 13867904488、13957911160,董事长俞松民、总经理俞湃携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!

 中网市场发布: 义乌商贸城澎湃文具商行生产销售: “益智王”品牌文具
Yiwu Trade City PengPai Stationery FirmProduction and sales: "Embrella King" series of brand stationery and agents "smart card", "Flag", "Wei Lion" products,Professional wholesale: stapler, three-pin nail, long tail clip, correction fluid, inkpad, glue, scissors, pencil sharpener, books and a variety of office and student stationery.,Welcome businessmen from all over the world come to discuss cooperation! Marketing Department Address: No. 23890, 23880-5th Street, 4th Floor, Gate 2, West 51st District, Yiwu International Trade City, Zhejiang Province, China,Tel: 86-0579-85163888
M/T: 13867904488, 13957911160,Chairman Yu Songmin and General Manager Yu Hao together with all colleagues sincerely welcome your visit! 

      义乌商贸城澎湃文具商行是一家专业研发、生产、销售文具产品的工贸型企业。 多年来一直注重于办公文具的研究创新和内外销业务,拥有一流的研发技术团队生产工厂和完善的营销服务团队。主要生产“益智王”系列品牌文具及代理“智牌”、“旗文”、“威狮”产品,专业批发:订书机、三针一钉、长尾夹、修正液、印泥、胶水、剪刀、卷笔刀、书立及各种办公和学生文具用品,并承接来样定制业务。诚信是澎湃的口碑,欢迎全球各地客商前来洽谈合作!营销部地址: 中国浙江省义乌市国际商贸城三区西51号门二楼4街23880-5街23890号,电话:86-0579-85163888,手机:13867904488、13957911160,董事长俞松民、总经理俞湃携全体同仁真诚欢迎您的光临!
Yiwu trading city surging stationery business is a professional R & D, production and sales of stationery products industry and trade enterprises. Over the years, it has been focused on the research and innovation of office stationery and domestic and foreign sales business, and has first-class research and technology team, production plant and perfect marketing service team. The main product of "Yizi king" series brand stationery and agent "Zhi brand", "flag", "Wei lion" products, professional wholesale: stapler, three pin, long tail clip, correction liquid, mud, glue, scissors, pencil sharpeners, books and various office and student stationery, and to undertake custom-made business. Honesty is a popular word of mouth. Welcome businessmen from all over the world to discuss cooperation. Marketing department address: No. 23890, 23880-5 street, 4 Street, two building west 51 gate, gate three, Yiwu, Zhejiang, China. Telephone: 86-0579-85163888, cell phone: 13867904488, 13957911160, President Yu Songmin, general manager Yu Paixie all colleagues sincerely welcome you!

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